Family Law
Family cases are a stressful and difficult period in your life. We understand and will help you navigate the correct course of action for the best possible outcome.
When accused of drinking and driving (DWI or DUI) it is important to take action ASAP. Keep steps must be done to insure you don’t lose your driving privileges.
Drug Offenses
Drugs come in many forms and the government consistently tell us which ones are accessible for society and which ones are not. Stop overreach of government!
Sexual Offenses
Sexual crimes hurt society in many ways but what’s worse is being falsely accused of one. We are hear to help you and tell your side of the story.
Personal Injury
If you have been injured in an accident, as the result of someone else’s negligence, or at work, you are entitled to fair legal compensation.
Other Criminal Offenses
Everyone deserves fair legal representation no matter what type of charges they are facing. This is the very foundation expressed in the US Constitution.